quinta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2011

Learn English...

Hello Everybody!! How are you?

Are you a english student? or Have you ever studied English?

So, do you think that study English is dificult?
Have you ever tried to learn it? How?

And are you a good student?

Do you try to...
- speak everyday the vocabulary that you know;
- read,
- listen to music;
- write  or
- Watch tv, movies, series in english to learn faster?

If you can do that... congratulation!!  :)
But if you don´t try to do that... I´m sorry...

So my friends, learn english is not dificult, but if the STUDENTS don´t try to pratice alone, learn English can be more dificult. And speak in English could be...
1 - dificult for some;
2 - imposible for others and
3 - easy for another ones...

What side are you in? 

Make your choice! And start now: spend your time studing, learning, praticing... and your future will be better... you will see! Believe in me, but believe more in you, because you can do it!

A BIG hug... and good studies.!!  ;)

Interesting links to learn more:


Obs.: Posso tentar incentivá-los a estudar e dar dicas, mas vocês como alunos, podem dar idéias: como gostaria que fossem as aulas de inglês? De que maneira aprende com mais facilidade, isto é, utilizando qual habilidade: ouvindo, falando, lendo ou escrevendo? Comente e vamos compartilhar para encorajar a todos que estudam, estudaram e pretendem voltar e àqueles que tem vontande de iniciar! Thanks a lot!!

PS: Ter lido tudo em inglês já foi um ótimo exercício! Very Good!

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