quarta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2011

Abreviaturas em inglês usadas em msg e internet!

Hello PPLWU?!! 
Vc usa abreviações qdo está tc no msn, chat, etc?

E conhece as abreviações em INGLÊS?? 
Conheça aqui PLS !

So PPL, FYI here you have! CUL8R!! TX!

@ at
2 to, too
2DAY today
2MORO tomorrow
2NITE tonight
3SUM threesome
4 for
AFAIK as far as I know
AFK away from the keyboard
ASL age, sex, location
ATB all the best
B be
B4 before
BAK back at the keyboard
BBL be back late(r)
BCNU be seeing you
BFN bye for now
BRB be right back
BTW by the way
C see
CUL8R see you later
F2F face to face
F2T free to talk
FWIW for what it”s worth
FYI for your information
GAL get a life
GR8 great
H8 hate
HAND have a nice day
HSIK how should I know?
HTH hope this helps
IANAL I am not a lawyer, but – (as a disclaimer)
IMHO in my humble opinion
IMO in my opinion
IOW in other words
JIC just in case
JK just kidding
KIT keep in touch
KWIM know what I mean
L8R later
LOL lots of luck / laughing out loud
MOB mobile
MSG message
MYOB mind your own business
NE1 anyone
NO1 no one
NOYB none of your business
OIC oh I see
OTOH on the other hand
PCM please call me
PLS please
PPL people
R are
ROTF(L) rolling on the floor (laughing)
RUOK are you okay?
SIT stay in touch
SOM1 someone
SPK speak
TTYL talk to you later
TX thanks
TXT text
U you
W/ with
WAN2 want to
WKND weekend
WU what’s up?
X kiss
XLNT excellent
XOXOX hugs and kisses
YMMV your mileage may vary (i.e. your experience may differ)
YR your

Did U like it? Can U SPK like this? Try to do it!!
HAND!! and XOXOX!!

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